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MVCSD Restart Planning Model
Mount Vernon City Schools will be utilizing a 'Traffic Light' model for planning purposes to assist in the reopening of schools in the Fall of 2020.  The "Green Light Mode" has the district opening school in the fall as normal with all students attedning school.  While this will be our preference and the starting point of our planning, we continue to wait on the guidance from ODE; ODH; and the Governor for additional assistance.  The 'Yellow Light Mode" is a Hybrid option where students will attend school a couple of days a week and work remotely the rest of the week.  The 'Red Ligh Mode" will be the learning mode of last resort but would have all students learning remotely from home.  The District will provide an "Online Virtual" alternative for parents who may wish to not send their students to school should we be in Green or Yellow learning modes.  All of this information was detailed in the June Board meeting and can be viewed via the district website.
Once we receive guidance from Ohio's Restart Task force we will be meeting with local health officials to vet out the options we will present to our community for review.
Restart Planning Process