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Voice Recognition

Dan Emmett Elementary

Excellence In Education

Daily Schedule

Dan Emmett Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule

9:00 - 3:30 P.M.

8:00 - 8:40 A.M. Teacher Preparation and Conference Time

8:30 A.M. Supervision on Playground 

8:40 A.M. First Bell (students line-up outside) 

8:45 A.M. Breakfast in Classroom

9:00 A.M. Morning Classes Begin
 11:45-12:45     1st and 4th-grade lunch and  then recess
 11:45-12:45     2nd and 3rd-grade recess, lunch and recess
11:45-12:45      Kindergarten and 5th-grade recess then lunch

3:30 P.M. All Students Dismissed out the back doors unless            walking, riding the bus or KAT.